To find out more about the Primary Care Pharmacy Education Pathway (PCPEP), visit Clinical Pharmacy and Paramedics in Primary Care and Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education.
For an insight into how GPs and patients can be impacted by the addition of a Clinical Pharmacist to their team, check out Case Study: Westbourne Clinical Pharmacist. For information about being a trainee pharmacist in General Practice take a look at Health Education England: Trainee Pharmacists. |
To find out about the Trainee Nurse Associates Programme, an alternative route into nursing with an emphasis on practical experience over classroom learning, check out NHS Health Careers' Overview.
For information about our FLORENCE nurse programme, which helps recently qualified nurses to gain experience in practice and develop skills for Primary Care, drop us an email at [email protected]. |
To find out about our new GP Fellowship programme, which offers a full package of support and training to recently qualified GPs in the area, head to Tees Valley Fellowship Programme.
To find out about Healthcare Assistants and what they can do, check out NHS Health Careers' Overview.
The Personalised Care team includes Care Coordinators, Health and Wellbeing Coaches and Social Prescribing Link Workers (amongst other roles).
To learn more about what Social Prescribing means, look at the National Academy for Social Prescribing or for a brief overview, how about a great video? To see what our Personalised Care Teams are doing, check out our Facebook Page. |
Instead of referring patients to a hospital-based physiotherapist, many GP practices now have their own.
To find out what a physiotherapist does in Primary Care, visit the NHS Website, or check out the video that Health Education England have put together. |
The number of roles you can take as an administrator in Primary Care are incredibly varied, from receptionists and secretaries, to data analysts and practice managers.
To find out about other roles you can take, check out Primary Care Essex. |
Yes, you read that right, paramedics can now take roles in Primary Care!
For a very brief overview of the process, visit the College of Paramedics. To find out more about why they're a great addition to a team, take a look at Health Education England. |
Pharmacy Technicians are a very important part of Primary Care pharmacy.
For great overviews of the role, check out the Association of Pharmacy Technicians and NHS Health Careers. |